Monday, November 25, 2013

Beginning the beginning blog

Hey guys, I've finally gotten around to starting a blog! Why? Well, because I read Jonah today, and I was inspired. Yes, Jonah was the guy who was eaten by the whale and yes, I know, you don't really see the connection between whale-bait Jonah and Christina finally getting around to starting a blog. It's a bit of a stretch, but in a way, Jonah chapter 2 is kind of like a blog post. Okay, not really, it's a prayer, (and it's scripture) but it's a public prayer,and because it's public, people like me get to read it thousands of years later and be amazed once again about how amazing God is in the face of every human weakness, and I find that inspiring. So that is what this blog is about - God being amazing in the midst of human weakness (usually mine since, you know, it's my blog and I could be the poster child for human weakness. Except not really, because God.)
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